Safest Way for Changing Eye Color Permanently

Once I heard about changing eye color permanently, its really great news for everyone because, we never felt that we could change our eye’s color permanently. I wish that if I could change my eyes color from brown to blue but its possible with the help of surgeries. I got my desired color that I wanted always so, what you are waiting for? Just go and consult with your eye specialist and get your dreaming look of your eyes color.

You can change your eye color permanently with the help of iris implant surgery and laser surgery and now you are thinking that which one is best and safest way for changing eye color permanently.So, I will suggest that laser is the safest than iris implant; both have some criticalities and side effects but laser surgeries are more successful. Laser surgery is also less painful and less time taking surgery.

Videos - BrightOcular Change eye color permanently

In laser surgery surgeons just remove extra melanin from eyes and without melanin your eyes turn in blue color permanently. But in iris implants it makes a cut into your cornea then place colored silicone iris into your eyes and cover rest of the cornea to change eye color. But it has several side effects like, glaucoma, cataracts, blurry vision, watery and itchy eyes etc. but if take proper precaution and if feel any discomfort then must-see doctor and consult then, it can cure and get prevented from blurry vision.

There are several natural ways to change eye color permanently some of the mentioned here-

  • Mood can affect eye color
  • Melanin and age
  • Raw food, diet and detoxing
  • Make and clothes can change your eye color
  • Sunlight and place of residence
  • Laser lighting of eye color
  • People with chameleon eye color etc.

Eye color change surgery is in the form of controversial laser and implant procedures, where eye surgeons suggest that safest way to change your eye color should be temporarily, is with professionally fitted colored contact lenses. Surgeries have severe complications so; people should avoid that.

Patient Photos - BrightOcular change eye color without color contacts

People are going for some cosmetic eye surgeries for bigger eyes, eyelid surgeries, eye lash extension, eyebrow implant etc. but they are some risks associated with it. But a change in your eye color can enhances your look and attractiveness. Now days eyes color is in high demand for green-blue eyes. It will enhance an appealing look and also improves your appearance.


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