Cosmetic Eye Color Change Surgery Procedure and Their Drawbacks

Changing eye color may be the dream of various people who look for something different eye color than the usual or getting bore with the color of eyes that people born with. So, now day’s people can change eye color with surgery. 

There are two types of cosmetic eye color change surgery such as: 

Iris implant- An artificial colored implant made from silicon this implanted inside the eye through small corneal wound. This implant inserted on the iris. Where, this artificial iris has a central hole that mimic pupil with a fix diameter of around 3.5-5.0 mm.

Laser surgery- Laser procedure seems simple than iris implant, but it’s raising various questions about the potential risks for causing more harm than good. Uses low energy laser to remove pigment from the eyes and body removed naturally and your eyes turn from brown to blue.

Changing eye color with the surgical procedure is not a viable option. There are various drawbacks associated with the surgeries to change eye color permanently such as: glaucoma, partial blindness, cataracts, uveitis and other cornea related problems. So, I will suggest instead of undergoing a risky procedure, you have to work with a qualified optometrist to be fitted for color-changing contact lenses. 

So, you must take care each and everything before you going for surgery otherwise better way is to wearing colored contact lenses to change eyes color that commonly used. Most of the celebrities’ uses colored contact lenses rather than going for surgery. So, take complete eye examination before taking any further step and consult with experts that your eyes can not be affected after the surgery.

Change eye color with surgery is often used by various people but still FDA not approved any of the surgery for changing eye color. So, if you are thinking then take care about the things because some eye surgeons offers cosmetic surgeries where as BrightOcular is a united states developed artificial iris implant that is made up of a thin flexible, biocompatible, colored medical grade silicone to change your eye color permanently that has been developed to alter the iris appearance for medical and cosmetic purposes.

But, with the latest breakthrough technologies, there are various medicines can now do that for you. Just, a few 20-30 second treatments with a special low intensity laser can sweep the brown pigment out of your eyes and revealing piercing blue eyes in just less than two weeks.


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