What is the method to change eye color

Eyes, is the most important organ of our human body. If someone asks is it possible to change eye color , then answering this query would have been tough and impossible in ancient days. But now technology has improved a lot, new inventions are done and a lot of research is also going on to improve the medical science. Well now we can confidently say yes, it is possible to change eye color. It is practical fact that the color of eyes changes whenever there is change in emotions. The change in eye color may be temporary. Some experts state that both the pupil size of the eye and its iris color changes. This can be frequently seen when a person is angry or extremely emotional. Some even debate that eye color changes according to the age of the person. How far the statement is correct is again debatable. The most common eye colors found are brown, blue and green. Researchers are researching on changing eye color to various shades of ...