Ever thought how amazing it would be to permanently change your eye color?

Our eyes are undoubtedly the first thing to come into notice to anybody. Many of us have never been satisfied with the color that we naturally have, and that’s fine not to be satisfied. With the advancing technology, everything has been made possible for the cosmetic enthusiasts over there! There are two ways in which one can think of changing the eye color, one is the permanent method and the other is the temporary. Is it possible to change your eye color ? Yes, it is very much possible for you to change your eye color! If you think of permanently changing your eye color, you’ll have to incline towards the surgical methods. In the current situation, many places including USA has been FDA approved to perform surgeries in order it change the eye colors permanently. These surgeries are completely safe and only involve nothing but implanting an artificial iris of the desired color on the natural iris that we have. These surgeries are performed by clinics and a...